Online constructor for creating template documents
Market size
Every company in Russia prepares many various documents daily: contracts, additional agreements, appendices, invoices, reports, orders etc.
Problem 1
The time, spent on creating template documents costs the employer money. In addition, clients lose time waiting for the draft contract
Problem 2
Lost profits due to spending up to 35% of employees' working time on filling out template documents, instead of doing the main work
Problem 3
Errors when filling out template documents lead to renegotiations and disruptions of business transactions
Serviceable and obtainable market
we plan to attract 296.8 billion rubles from SAM (Legal entities and Sole Traders from target business categories using EDI) over the next 5 years.
1, 095 billion rubles
Serviceable and obtainable market
31 470 organisations,
that we plan to connect in 5 years
1.095 billion rubles
Serviсeable Obtainable Market
629,000 companies,
that meet the target areas and use electronic signature
1,095 billion rubles
Total market volume
6,885,442 companies in Russia,
3,236,499 legal entities and 3,648,943 sole traders (ST)
296.8 billion.
Filling out documents manually is a - long and expensive process and almost always with mistakes
Select the appropriate document template
Fill in the fields in the forma
Inserts the necessary variables into the template: full name, company information, selected services
Document is ready
You get a ready contract with the client in a couple of minutes
Advantages of Form
Instant creation of documents
  • Choose a template
  • Fill in several field
  • Get a ready-made document
Ready document
  • does not require training
  • Implementation in 3 days
  • All data is protected
  • templates customisation by our team
Create document packages
Create templates from several documents, for example, a set for  employment// employment contract, an order to take office and NDA.
The creation process is automated
  • Filling in data on TIN
  • Prompts when entering an address
  • Declensions of cases
  • Writing numbers in letters
Send a link to filling in (coming soon)
end your contractors or future employees a link to fill in some of the data// for example, company details or passport.
Access rights
Connect your company's departments to the system for collaboration. Grant rights to folders, create edit and delete templates.
Creating your own templates
Batch creation of documents
Creating your own variables
Integration with external directories
Variable directories
Directory of counterparties
Branding in corporate colors
Differentiation of access rights
Access to your own template database
Storage for any type of documents (analogous to Google drive)
Filling in the lead form format
Mobile version
Tablet version
Integration with amoCRM
Integration with Bitrix
Minimum tariff
2,900 Rubles/month for 3 users
2,500 Rubles/month for 1 user
1,999 rubles/month for 1 user
999 R/per 100 created documents
2,730 R/per month for 1 user
490 rubles/month for 1 user
3 months
  • Conducting research
  • Developing the interface
  • Development of technical task
  • Creation of a clickable prototype
6 months
  • Formation of a development team
  • Creating an MVP
  • Testing and debugging
  • First implementations
And then...
  • Scaling of advertising campaigns
  • Formation of a sales department
  • Mobile application Development (Ios/ Android)
  • Creating widgets for CRM and integration with EDI providers
  • Completion of the product to enter the international market for 6 months
5 months
  • Product refinement based on data received from the first users
  • Conducting CustDev
  • Creating an internal analytics system
  • Launching test advertising campaigns
  • Formation of a sales funnel
  • Revision based on the received user analytics
  • Development of own database of template documents
  • Attracting the first 100 user companies
Vinnikov Maksim
Vinnikov Maksim
4 years as a team leader and before that a back-end developer

Former leading developer of big projects in retail, tourism and medicine

3-year work experience in the team
Kolosov Nikita
Kolosov Nikita
Co-founder Forma
6 years in IT as a team leader

2 start-ups behind

Three-year work experience as a leader of a software development studio
Sagiev Roman
Sagiev Roman
Lead of Front-end
6 years in Front-end development

The front-end part development of one of the largest marketplaces for outdoor recreation.

3 year work experience in the team
Konnik Timur
Konnik Timur
Lead of Back-end
10 years in Back-end development

The back-end part development of a big retail project

2 years work experience in the team
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