We develop instruments to help entrepreneurs in solving business problems
Form is a product of a custom software development studio Traektoria
years of experience
implemented projects
users of all our products
Our team follows 3 principles:
We are open to criticism and suggestions from every team member, regardless of their position
We do not track working hours and everyone chooses their workplace
We value effectiveness and stick to our plans. People who choose vigorous activity without results are out of the way with us.
Vinnikov Maksim
Vinnikov Maksim
4 years as a team leader and before that a back-end developer

Former leading developer of big projects in retail, tourism and medicine

3-year work experience in the team
Kolosov Nikita
Kolosov Nikita
Co-founder Forma
6 years in IT as a team leader

2 start-ups behind

Three-year work experience as a leader of a software development studio
Sagiev Roman
Sagiev Roman
Lead of Front-end
6 years in Front-end development

The front-end part development of one of the largest marketplaces for outdoor recreation.

3 year work experience in the team
Konnik Timur
Konnik Timur
Lead of Back-end
10 years in Back-end development

The back-end part development of a big retail project

2 years work experience in the team
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